Some of the very often asked questions in Final Fantasy 14 by newer players are often centred around Grand Companies; From which Grand Company to pick, to managing Squadrons, we’ve got you covered with our new Grand Company Final Fantasy 14 Beginner’s Guide. Let’s answer your questions!

Picking your Grand Company Final Fantasy 14
At around level 15, you will be tasked with picking your Grand Company in Final Fantasy 14; this will provide your route for unlocking your mount, as well as Squadrons, Grand Company themed outfits, and many other items that are important for crafting or alternative routes to acquiring items.
Keeping this in mind, it is important to note that picking your Grand Company is strictly based on preference of cosmetics, location and lore.
The Maelstrom
The Maelstrom finds its home in Limsa Lominsa, a city state made up of Sailors, Adventurers and… absolutely, under no circumstances, Pirates. Not at all. Their culture is founded in the sea, delving for treasure and building
Their chosen colours are Red and Black, adorned with an emblem of a longship, with armour sets and Chocobo Barding to match.
Found on the Bottom Right Side of Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks, near to the Aftcastle, is the Maelstrom Command and Barracks, where you can choose to pledge your allegiance.
Limsa Lominsa is often considered one of the best cities in the game for its easy of access to all level 1-50 vendors, crafting, as well as the Market Board and Retainers directly next to the Aetherite, making the Maelstrom a popular choice for the efficient player.

The Immortal Flames
Victory, Glory, and the ever-burning flame of battle; this is the way of Ul’Dah’s Grand Company, the Immortal Flames. Once a gladiatorial people thriving off of warrior’s spirit, they now consist of hardened Adventurers, esteemed Capitalists, and esteemed Dancers from many other Eorzian cultures.
The chosen colours of the Immortal Flames are black, yellow and bronze to represent the burning light in the darkness, matched with an emblem of scales, the symbol of Nald’Thal, their national deity.
The Hall of Flames, and the Flame Barracks, can be found directly under the Ul’Dah Aetheryte. You can get here immediately by taking a right as soon as you leave the Aetheryte Plaza, so if you’re looking to raise your blade, here’s the place to do it!
UI’Dah is one of the most segmented cities in game when it comes to markets, retainers, and the Grand Company locations. If you’re only interested in coming here for your Grand Company, or spend plenty of time in other locations, this is the absolute easiest to access Grand Company.

The Order of the Twin Adders
The Order of the Twin Adders seeks preservation, knowledge, and life. In the sanctuary created by the Twelvewood’s surrounding, Gridania was formed, and lead by the Seedseers, Nophica’s blessed “Yellow Serpents” are the upholders of peace amidst the towering forest.
They bare the symbol of a Seedseer’s cane with intertwining Adders wrapped around its base, defined in white against a strong yellow background, and their uniforms take on this prominent yellow colour, with the details complimented by the white. Should you be devoted to the
To the far left of the Aetheryte is both the Adders Nest, and a transition to Old Gridania, the upper portion of the city. If you admire the beauty of the Twelvewood, and would like a middle ground of accessibility between The Maelstrom’s vendors, and Ul’Dah’s Grand Company hub, then the Twin Adders should server as your home.

Which should I pick?
As mentioned before, there is no correct answer. I would suggest the safest bet to be The Maelstrom. Red and Black is a solidly popular colour scheme, Limsa Lominsa is easily the best town for all of your market needs, and the Aetherite Shard at the Aftcastle is a short away from Headquarters. If you can’t pick, join up there!
Ranking up your Grand Company Final Fantasy 14
Grand Companies in Final Fantasy 14 are comprised of several ranks, allowing you to unlock new features and items to make use of or purchase from the the Grand Company vendors, including Squadrons, and their themed armours.
Grand Company Final Fantasy 14 Seals and How to Get Them
Grand Company Seals are a highly useful resource in your early hours of Final Fantasy 14, allowing you to rank up, claim your first mount, and gain access to coveted crafting materials for your level 50 crafting endeavours, and there’s three primary ways to unlock them.
FATES for Grand Company Final Fantasy 14 Seals
FATES are an early introduced feature of Open World group content across every zone in Eorzia; taking down bosses, fending off creatures, or even simple tasks like gathering milk for a farmer, and luckily an easy source of Grand Company Seals early on! The amount isn’t huge, but the ease of completion and how readily available they are makes them the ideal choice for brand new players.
I recommend doing these if you are playing a DPS, as often times you can blast through these with other players very quickly, and way faster than the next best thing, even if the number of seals earned is no large amount.
Roulettes for Grand Company Final Fantasy 14 Seals
Roulettes are Final Fantasy 14’s way of searching for a random group activity; Dungeons, Trials, Raids and more; offering a collection of money, experience, and most importantly, the Grand Company Seals you’re after.
Daily, these Roulettes offer increased rewards and bonuses, as well as highlighting the role most needed in the queue at the time of search, often Tank, or Healer. Combining this with consistently fast queue times for both of those roles, it is really easy to net a large collection of seals for a very small amount of work!
If you’re a Tank or Healer player, and you’re in need of making some quick Seals? Roulettes are your friend.
Expert Delivery for Grand Company Final Fantasy 14 Seals
Upon reaching ‘Sergeant Second Class’ in your chosen Grand Company, you will unlock Expert Deliveries, a system that allows you to turn in Green or Blue rarity gear to your Grand Company in exchange for very large quantities of Seals, and it is the absolute BEST method for farming up your Grand Company Seals.
As well as the quantity of Seals, when used alongside the Daily Roulettes, the excess dungeon gear can be turned in, allowing you to net yourself hundreds and hundreds of Seals just through playing the game normally. If you have any old gear that you no longer need, you can turn that in too, making your Grand Company Seal woes fade away!
Required Quests for Rank Up
At the ‘Chief Sargeant’ and ‘Second Lieutenant’ ranks, you will be required to complete two quests.
The first is ‘Shadows Uncast’ which will have you run through Dzmael Darkhold, a level 44 dungeon; It is easy to complete, and can be picked up outside The Waking Sands at level 44. Completing this will meet the quest requirement for ‘Chief Sargeant.’.
At your next rank, you will receive another rank up quest called ‘Guiding the Billous.’ This quest will task you with clearing out the ‘Aurum Vale’ dungeon at level 47. The quest unlocking the dungeon can be grabbed from Western Thanalan. The first pull of this dungeon is widely regarded as one of the most difficult for newer players, so come in prepared and remember your Surecasts or Arm’s Lengths!
Training your Grand Company Final Fantasy 14 Squadron
Having earned your place as one of the most esteemed members of your Grand Company, you have been granted access to the Barracks, and your very own Squadron to lead; it can be confusing to start, so let us help you out.
Unlocking your Grand Company Final Fantasy 14 Squadron
Upon reaching the ‘Second Lieutenant’ rank for your Grand Company, a quest will open up called ‘Rising to the Challenge’, unlocking the Challenge Log, a useful feature to all players, but a requirement to open up the quest ‘Squadron and Commander’ which will guide you few your introduction to managing a Squadron for the first time.
Grand Company Final Fantasy 14 Squadron Missions and Training
After the introduction is complete, a mission called ‘City Patrol’ will be made available for the Squadron. By speaking with your Squadron Sergeant, you can send them out to begin their standard missions, which will be completed automatically over time and provide XP and rewards for both you, and the Squadron members.
Once they have returned from this first mission, the ‘Regimen Board’ on the wall of the Barracks of your chosen Grand Company will allow you to begin an hour long training Regiment, bolstering the stats of Grand Company members and allowing them to take on tougher challenges.
After enough standard missions, the Command Missions option will open up, and here’s where the bulk of the rewards will come from. This allows you to run older content alongside your Squadron, earning all the dungeon rewards for yourself, achievements, and even emotes!
Squadron and Grand Company Final Fantasy 14 Rewards
Of course, having done all of this, you must be curious as to why you should invest in your Grand Company, and Squadron. It’s simple, the rewards!
Notable Grand Company Final Fantasy 14 Rewards
As soon as you’ve been inducted into your Grand Company, at the low cost of 200 Grand Company Seals, you’ll be able to acquire your very first mount, the Chocobo, allowing you to roam the lands at far greater speeds, and eventually even fly! After obtaining this license you will need to complete the quest ‘My Little Chocobo’ for your chosen Grand Company.
After that, from each Grand Company, you’ll be able to unlock and purchase full sets of Grand Company Armor, rings, and shields. On top of that, Grand Companies sell a roster of items used for Level 50 and Expert crafts, and they can also sell on the Market Board for a small flip. Most importantly though: Glamour Prisms, Glamour Dispellers and emotes. If you find yourself looking for new ways to express your style, these will be invaluable to you, and are very cheap to earn!
Notable Grand Company Final Fantasy 14 Squadron Rewards
Completing the achievement ‘Dear Leader I’ will unlock four different emotes: Squats, Hold Breath, Push-Ups and Sit-Ups. To do this, you will need to run 10 Command Missions with your Squadrons; To make it easy, be sure to play as a Tank or Healer, bringing two Archers with you to crush your way through the bosses, they won’t know what hit them!
There is also a collection of ‘Priority Missions’ that you can send the Squadrons out to complete, providing buffs once a week, as well as other currencies, resources and boosts for your Squadron to increase their power!
Which Grand Company should I pick?
The best Grand Company to choose is easily The Maelstrom due to the location, and ease of access to more than just the Grand Company resources.
Can I change Grand Companies?
Yes, once reaching Second Lieutenant Rank, can pay 50,000 gil, starting a 15 day wait, to change your Grand Company.
What is the best way to get Grand Company Final Fantasy 14 Seals?
At first, FATES and Daily Roulettes will be the best, however, as soon as you unlock Expert Deliveries, turning in any Green and Blue gear to your Grand Company will make you thousands of Seals with ease!
What can I buy with my Grand Company Final Fantasy 14 Seals?
Most importantly, your first mount, as well as Grand Company styled armour, Glamour Prisms, and Level 50 crafting materials.
I hope this Grand Company Final Fantasy 14 Guide has helped you to make the right decision on your Grand Company, and teach you the best way to utilise all of its features; if you want to read more of our articles, we have plenty of news, reviews and guides here at Battle Shout, and we will have more Final Fantasy 14 content to come in the near future.
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