In this article we are going to how to make gold using the mining profession in WoW Dragonflight. We are going to look at the best ways to maximise your profession through specialisations as well as key things to look out for when farming a zone. Get your gardening gloves ready and read on
Getting Started – Dragonflight Herbalism
Make sure that when you first get to the dragon isles that you visit the Dragonflight Herbalism profession trainer. This way you can gather whilst you go to start earning skill points. The first trainer you come across is Feilin Kuan, within the Wingrest Embassy area! The key thing with any profession is to get to the max skill points (100 currently). This will truly maximise your gathering.

Also make sure you gather every node and gather every treasure on your way to get as many knowledge points as you can to help when specialising the skill itself.
Make sure that you get the best tools for the profession so that you get more points in areas such as deftness, perception and Finesse which makes gathering more efficient such as collecting herbs quicker. This will lead to more herbs or more secondary items such as “Rousing Air/Decay/Frost/Order”.
Finally, make sure you download Gathermate2 and Gathermate2 import data for WoW Dragonflight as this will mark on the map the rough spawn areas for Herb nodes
What nodes should you be looking for in WoW Dragonflight?
With the recent changes to professions in WoW Dragonflight, we now have more specialised nodes to focus on. Gathering every node helps with skill points, there are more valuable nodes to focus on when on your adventures through WoW Dragonflight. Below will break down the specialised nodes and what extras you can gather;
- Decayed – Gives the secondary reagent “Rousing Decay” when gathered
- Frigid – Gives the secondary reagent “Rousing Frost” when gathered
- Infurious – Gives the secondary reagent “Rousing Ire” when gathered (only available in War mode)
- Windswept – Gives the secondary reagent “Rousing Air” when gathered
- Titan Touched – Gives the secondary reagent “Rousing Order” when gathered
- Lush – Gives you extra base herb when gathered

Also make sure that you are keeping an eye out for “Rock Walls”. This can lead to small caves which could potentially give you a cluster of nodes to farm making your gathering more efficient. This is only suited if you also having mining.
Herbalism specialisations in WoW Dragonflight
Ultimately this is down to yourself. You can look to specialise in gathering more “Rousing” materials by going down the master of elements route. Or you could go down the Bountiful harvests route whereby you can gather higher quality herbs with the chance to yield more of a specific type of herb depending on what you decide to focus on.

The only specialisation that I would recommend is Botany. This is the first knowledge that you unlock and putting all your points into the base Knowledge will ultimately unlock gathering whilst still mounted. With this your efficiency will increase!
Best places to farm nodes in WoW Dragonflight
Honestly, trying all zones currently playable I have not found one zone that is not bad for gathering herbs. I personally prefer The Azure Span as this area has a lot of woody areas and gathering Writhebark nodes is rather efficient. This herb is one of the more expensive herbs and is found mainly within woodland areas.
If you want to start farming Quickly, check out for farming routes! (These routes are locked behind a Patreon Subscription.)
Tips for farming gold using Herbalism in WoW Dragonflight
Make sure that you have unlocked all the dragon riding glyphs before efficiently farming. Unlocking these will give you max vigor and there is also a talent that gives you 10% extra vigor replenishment after farming nodes meaning that you will be able to move quicker around the zones.
Also make sure you have the best quality tools that you can afford to obtain. This will increase the skill points in the secondary skills and will maximise your returns. Finally, make sure you are spending your talent points wisely.
Whilst it’s good to stick them in certain focus areas, make sure that you are getting the best returns. It may help to focus around other professions that you may be working towards such as Inscription or Alchemy which pairs really well with Herbalism.
WoW Dragonflight – Best ways to farm for gold
If you wanted to really focus on gathering specific nodes it would be best served to concentrate on titan-touched nodes. Alternatively, all nodes that offer “Rousing” secondary gathers are great to focus on. For example 1 titan touched Writhebark node can give you 3 Writhebark and 3-4 rousing order (this could proc even higher depending on your perception points).
Again, using your knowledge points in certain areas could also mean you gain a lot more from other sources. For example if you focus on Conversance you will be able to gather from dead plant mobs. The more points spent in this area, the more reagents you can gather such as “rousing elements” which improves gold earned.
In Summary
Dragonflight Herbalism is such a diverse gathering profession which benefits a lot of professions. Find yourself a route that you feel comfortable with and run it a couple of times until you are happy with your yield.
Make sure you use those knowledge points and specialise your gathering so that you can be as efficient as possible when farming and keep check on the prices on the auction house. Herbalism will always make you gold, but use what you have learned here to really maximise that opportunity!