Welcome to our Warrior Final Fantasy 14 Beginner’s Guide; through the power of rage and brute strength, this Tank Job can channel all it’s inner might to become an unstoppable self-sustaining combatant, valuable to every Party, and we’re here to help teach you how to Fel Cleave your way through even the hardest content, starting with unlocking it the class itself.

Unlocking the Warrior Final Fantasy 14 Job:
The first, and obvious question to answer in our Warrior Final Fantasy 14 Beginner’s Guide, would be how to start playing Warrior, and where do you find the Job?
As a base game Job, Warrior first starts under another name: Marauder, and can be chosen during character creation, starting you in Limsa Lominsa at level 1.
Otherwise, you can find the quest “So You Want to be a Marauder” in Limsa Lominsa – Upper Decks, in the Coral Tower which will guide your induction into the Marauder’s Guild.
Every 5 levels you will need to return to the Marauder’s Guild, until Level 30, to collect your Job Quests, unlocking new skills and talents as the story progresses.
Once at level 30, your Job Quest will allow you to collect the Warrior Job Stone, unlocking your true potential as a Warrior.

The Warrior Final Fantasy 14 Playstyle:
Now that you have the Warrior Final Fantasy 14 Job unlocked, we want to use our Warrior Final Fantasy 14 Beginner’s Guide to help you figure out if this is the Job for you, so, with that in mind, let’s talk about the playstyle of Warrior, and dive into it’s deeper mechanics:
Warrior is the perfect class for the tank that just wants to take the hits, and return them tenfold while wearing a devious grin of fury and joy. You control your anger, and your enemies, not the other way around, leaving your party in awe of your devastating power.
First, and foremost, Warrior is a Tanking Job focused on pure unbridled strength and determination to control the enemies, swinging heavy axes and hammers to crush their foes, and unleashing powerful cooldowns to regenerate their wounds and fight through the pain, with an emphasis on heavy hits and managing their inner Beast for destructive strikes.
The Warrior Final Fantasy 14 Job Mechanics:
For all tanks, including the Warrior Final Fantasy 14 job, the single most important mechanic they all need to keep track of is Emnity. Emnity is the measure of just how much the enemies should focus on you, rather than your teammates, indicated by the colour of gem next to each player’s enemy’s name in the enemy list. If it’s a red square, you’re the highest Emnity, and that’s exactly where you should be.

As with all Tanks, a Stance skill is needed to generate and hold increased Emnity, shown with a Red Gem symbol as Marauder, or red horns as Warrior, when it is active. This skill is called Defiance, and the skill will change to a dark blue colour when active as another indicator that you are in your Tank Stance.
Warrior’s key mechanic is the use of their “Beast Gauge”, an accumulating control of their deepest angers, allowing them to be channelled into swings of devastating effect.
Each of their skill combos ends in a finishing swing that generates energy for the “Beast Gauge”: these are “Storm’s Path”, “Storm’s Eye.”, and “Mythril Tempest”. Once you’ve generated 50 energy, a Beast Gauge skill can be executed, and with a maximum of 100, plus the skill Infuriate which restores 50 energy, you can unleash a flurry of brutal attacks that no foe could rival!
Your Warrior Final Fantasy 14 Pulling Rotation:
Pulling in FFXIV can be a daunting task at first, but we can make it easier on you with some simple tips, and tricks for your rotation and cooldown timing basics that every player and Tank should know:
Firstly: Use one personal damage reduction cooldown, such as Vengence, or Rampart, per pull if available. Multiple can stack, but they get diminishing returns! Often, you will only need one per pull, but leaving your other cooldowns such as Reprisal, or Thrill of Battle open allow you to use them in the event of your normal cooldown ending and allowing you to hold out longer in a bigger pull. You can also use these if you find your healer is struggling with the pull, as they are not affected by the diminishing returns factor.
Secondly: Arm’s Length’s slowing effect can be game changing when going for a long pull. This is because it applies ‘Slow’ to any enemy that tags you, meaning you can put good distance between mobs that may wish to damage you mid pull. Once the pull has reached its end point, drop your damage reduction cooldown.
Thirdly: Tomahawk, your ranged skill, is the highest Emnity generator in your kit. If you miss an enemy, don’t worry about it, try target it for a Tomahawk as you keep going, and pick it back up from the party member at the end of the pull otherwise.
and Lastly: The single target combo for Warriors should always consist of Heavy Swing, into Maim. After this though, the Storm’s Eye skill will provide a temporary damage increase, so you’ll want to combo into that on your first rotation, otherwise, the Storm’s Path will restore health to you, and keep the combo ongoing until you need to refresh Storm’s Eye.
Other than all of this, use your Beast Gauge when you have 100, and use Infuriate to allow you additional chained Beast Gauge skills; destroy them with your indomitable spirit!
Warrior Final Fantasy 14 Endgame Potential:
The Warrior Final Fantasy 14 Job is an absolute powerhouse of a tank, with the ability to self-heal based on the damage they dish out, as well has the rapid build up of high damage skills, and a terrifying burst to bring even the most powerful of creatures to their knees, this Tank has it all, and in a raiding situation, wielding plethora of tools over destruction and life comes in more-than-useful in every scenario.
The ability to heal using cooldowns and damage massively reduces strain on the healing duo, allowing you to breeze through even the hardest of heal-checks, coupled with damage boosting cooldowns and the heavy swings from your Beast Gauge, they can happily clutch out those last few damage number and bring foes to their knees.
Where can I unlock Warrior?
In Limsa Lominsa – Upper Decks, in the Coral Tower, you can find the quest “So You Want to be a Marauder”, starting the questline to unlock your new Job.
What level does Warrior start as?
Warrior is unlocked at level 30 of the Marauder class storyline.
What type of Job is Warrior?
Warrior is a Tank job, taking heavier ‘Fending’ armour, and axes as its main gear types.
Should I play Warrior?
As one of, if not the best tank in the game, as well as being able to be unlocked very early on, I would recommend this class to any aspiring tanks!
Now, armed with the knowledge to overcome your foes and protect your allies, our Warrior Final Fantasy 14 Beginner’s Guide has prepared you for even the worst of battles, and if you want to read more of our articles, we have plenty of news, reviews and guides here at Battle Shout, and we will have more Final Fantasy 14 content to come in the near future.
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