Prepare your new character for Dragonflight with this efficient World of Warcraft leveling guide. Leveling in Dragonflight 1-60 can be an exciting and rewarding experience, but it can also be time-consuming. If you’re looking for The Fastest Way to Level in WoW Dragonflight 1-60, we’ve got you covered.
Before beginning your leveling run we suggest that if you are going for the faster possible route to level your character up: Begin as an allied race. This is because Allied Race begin their adventures at level 10 rather than level 1. This is a really useful tip for leveling in WoW as it gives you a great head start for both speed and efficency, check out our other Leveling Tips.
Quick Tips and Updates for World of Warcraft leveling guide
How to Unlock Allied Race in WoW: As of Patch 10.1.5 Simply leveling one character to level 40 on will unlock allied race options on your account.
Mount Training: As of patch 10.1.5 you will automatically learn new levels of mount training as you level up and will no longer need to visit a faction city mount trainer to acquire Mount Training. For more leveling guides check out some of our Leveling Guides categories!
Levels 1-10 – Dragonflight 1-60
At level one, brand-new WoW players are automatically directed to Exile’s Reach, an excellent starting experience on a self-contained island. Players with leveled-up characters can choose between Exile’s Reach or the traditional leveling area for their new character’s race. Hint: Exile’s Reach is always the better choice. The island offers a well-paced and engaging adventure, packing ten levels into an hour or two of gameplay.
Exile’s Reach To start your journey, we recommend selecting Exile’s Reach. This zone is specifically designed to take you from level 1 to 10 quickly and efficiently while teaching you all important information about the basics of your class and game functionality. Exiles Reach provides a streamlined player experience teaching you how to play the game but also allowing you to level to 10 with very little effort and time.
At level 10, both experienced and new players receive the starting quests for the Battle for Azeroth expansion. If you choose to follow these quests, they will take you to the islands of Kul Tiras and Zandalar, showcasing that chapter of WoW’s history. These more modern questlines are ideal for new players, as transitioning from them to the Dragonflight zones for levels 60-70 should be relatively seamless.
For you veteran players who have experienced BfA, your options become even more interesting. Chromie is located in Stormwind near the Stormwind Embassy for Alliance players, and in Orgrimmar near the Orgrimmar Embassy for Horde players. Speaking with Chromie offers you the choice of all previous Warcraft expansions. Each one will take you from level 10 all the way up to 60, or you can opt to jump between them. Depending on which Chromie time you activate depends on what group dungeon content you can que up for as you level.
Choosing an Expansion WoW Leveling Guide – Chromie Time
Which expansion should you choose for leveling 10-60? To some extent, it depends on your priorities. Starting in these zones as a level 10 character with only the slow ground-mount riding skill means you’ll be moving slowly for a while. If your goal is to level quickly, Warlords of Draenor or Legion offer excellent quest density, meaning you won’t have to travel far and can level up faster.
If it’s your first playthrough however, Battle for Azeroth also provides decent quest density, particularly in the Drustvar zone for Alliance and the Nazmir zone for Horde, while offering modern quest mechanics and story integration.
If you simply want to immerse yourself in the story and leisurely progress through 50 levels, consider Wrath of the Lich King. It features some of the best lore in the game within a single expansion.
Levels 10-25: Dragonflight 1-60
Faction-specific Questing At level 10, both Horde and Alliance players should speak to Chromie and begin the Legion Questline. Complete the initial quests in Dalaran and your class hall until you unlock the Dalaran Hearthstone, as it will be crucial later on.
During your questing, keep an eye out for rare mobs in the Cataclysm Revamp Zones. Killing these rare mobs provides extra experience and can be a nice bonus. You can refer to a separate video guide to learn more about their spawn locations.
Warmode Level 20 – Worth it or not? – World of Warcraft leveling guide
At level 20 you can return to your faction capital city to turn Warmode on which will give you bonus experience while leveling but also open you up to potential player versus player combat. This can be both a experience boost and a experience loss depending on if you meet unfriendly players of the opposing faction.
Horde 10-25 in Dragonflight 1-60 Route
Horde players once you have got your Dalaran Hearthstone and completed the initial quests in Legion it’s time to go to Silverpine Forest and focus on completing this entire zone. Despite some unskippable RP (roleplaying), this zone is one of the most efficient leveling zones for experience per hour. Once you reach the quest “On Her Majesty’s Secret Service,” abandon Silverpine Forest and head east to Hillsbrad Foothills.
If you are behind in experience we would advise you sign up to a LFG dungeon and work on your professions while you are waiting for the que to pop up and invite you.
Alliance 10-25 in Dragonflight 1-60 Route
Alliance players once you have got your Dalaran Hearthstone and completed the initial quests in Legion it’s time to go to Redridge Mountains and complete all quests in this zone. Once you reach “Prisoners of War” in Camp Everstill, return to Lakeshire and take a flight path to Darkshire in Duskwood. Complete the entire questline in Duskwood, except for the final quest “Mor’ladim,” which is time-consuming and not worth finishing.
If you are behind in experience we would advise you sign up to a LFG dungeon and work on your professions while you are waiting for the que to pop up and invite you.
Levels 25-45: Dragonflight 1-60
Garrison and Warlords of Draenor
Once both factions are level 25-30 it’s time speak to Chromie and select the Warlords of Draenor expansion. In the Dragonflight 1-60 route it’s time for you to complete the WoD intro, which is often mistakenly skipped by some players. The intro quests in WoD are actually one of the fastest zones in the game, so don’t miss out on the experience it offers.
Once in Frostfire Ridge (Horde) or Shadowmoon Valley (Alliance), complete all quests to set up your Garrison.
Horde players: Once you have completely unlocked your Garrison it is time to return to Hillsbrad Foothills to complete the questlines there, this will lead nicely into the next part of the leveling route.
Alliance players: will continue in Shadowmoon Valley before heading to Spires of Arak. Completing Spires of Arak up to level 35 is essential for Alliance players, as their Cataclysm Revamp zones are not as efficient as Horde’s Silverpine Forest and Hillsbrad Foothills.
Levels 45-60: Dragonflight 1-60
Gorgrond and Beyond
In this part of the Dragonflight 1-60 route Horde players should have finished Hillsbrad Foothills, and Alliance players should have completed Loch Modan. Ensure you finish the entire questline in these zones before moving on. Use your Garrison Hearthstone to return to Warlords of Draenor Garrison.
Horde and Alliance 45-60 Leveling Route
Both factions: should head to Gorgrond, with Alliance players taking a detour into Talador. Complete the bonus objectives “Aruuna’s Desolation” and “Zangarra” in Talador. In Gorgrond, complete the bonus objectives “Tailthrasher Basin” and “Ruins of the First Bastion” before proceeding with the main questline.
Continue the questline until you reach Beastwatch (Horde) or Highpass (Alliance). Construct the Savage Fightclub (Horde) or Sparring Ring (Alliance) to access the Champion’s Honor ability. This ability allows you to collect quest-starting items while killing certain enemies, speeding up your leveling progress.
Gorgrond is by far one of the best leveling zones in World of Warcraft. While leveling through Gorgrond 45-60 you will have so many questions, bonus quests, bonus objectives, treasures and rare elites to slay and earn experience from.
Dungeons or Quests? World of Warcraft leveling guide
Leveling exclusively through dungeons instead of questing is still a viable option. You can gain two to three levels per dungeon run, depending on available quests. However, there are two important considerations. Be cautious about the expansion you select for leveling because unless the queues are extremely long (prompting the game to offer other dungeons as options), you’re limited to dungeons from your chosen expansion.
Leveling with Friends Fast WoW Leveling
One of the best ways to maximize your leveling speed is to group up with other players, utilizing the game’s Party Sync feature to synchronize quests and run dungeons together. By incorporating a new player into your group periodically and syncing with them, you can all repeat dungeons and redo quests for full experience rewards. To use Party Sync, open your quest log and click the Party Sync button in the lower right corner.
Party Sync may have some bugs, so be sure to unsync before inviting a new character to the group. Also, ensure that everyone is out of instances, vehicles, flight paths, and other scenarios that might keep them occupied before resyncing. Despite the quirks, Party Sync is a quick way to accomplish your leveling goals and provides a fun experience since you’re leveling with friends—ultimately capturing the essence of an MMO like World of Warcraft.
Heirlooms and Leveling Speed Items Heirlooms have undergone changes and no longer provide bonus experience while leveling. Instead, they offer other combat and quality of life bonuses. Due to their ability to level with you, heirlooms serve as a convenient way to avoid the hassle of constantly examining and replacing gear.
FAQ: World of Warcraft leveling guide
Q: What is Dragonflight in World of Warcraft? A: Dragonflight is the latest expansion to World of Warcraft.
Q: What is the recommended starting zone for levels 1-10? A: Exile’s Reach is the recommended starting zone for levels 1-10. It is specifically designed to help you quickly level up during the early stages of your character’s journey.
Q: Should I complete the Legion Questline at level 10? A: Yes, it is recommended to start the Legion Questline at level 10. Completing the initial quests will unlock the Dalaran Hearthstone, which is important for later stages of the leveling process.
Q: What zones should I focus on for levels 10-25? A: Horde players should complete Silverpine Forest and then move on to Hillsbrad Foothills. Alliance players should begin in Redridge Mountains and then transition to Duskwood, skipping the final quest “Mor’ladim.”
Q: Are rare mobs important for leveling speed? A: Rare mobs provide extra experience, but they are not crucial for fast leveling. They can be a nice bonus if you come across them while questing.
Q: When should I enable War Mode? A: It is recommended to enable War Mode at level 20. Set your hearthstone to a nearby location and use your Dalaran Hearthstone to quickly return to your capital city.
Q: What zones should I focus on for levels 25-45? A: Alliance players should complete Loch Modan and then move on to Gorgrond. Horde players should complete Hillsbrad Foothills and then proceed to Frostfire Ridge.
Q: Why is the Warlords of Draenor (WoD) intro important? A: The WoD intro is one of the fastest leveling zones in the game. It provides a significant amount of experience, so skipping it would slow down your leveling progress.
Q: What should I do in Gorgrond for levels 45-60? A: Complete the entire questline in Gorgrond, including bonus objectives such as “Tailthrasher Basin” and “Ruins of the First Bastion.” These zones offer valuable experience for leveling.
Conclusion: Dragonflight 1-60
Thanks for reading this World of Warcraft leveling guide. Leveling can be done quickly and efficiently if you follow these optimized questing routes and strategies. Remember to make use of Hearthstones, garrisons, and War Mode to minimize travel time and maximize experience gain. Whether you’re an Alliance or Horde player, this guide will help you level up in no time. So, grab your weapons, set out on your adventure, and enjoy the journey to level 60 in World of Warcraft Dragonflight!