Do you love fishing in World of Warcraft? If so, you’ll want to get your hands on one of these wonderful fishing mounts! In this guide, we’ll show you where to find all of the fishing mounts in WoW. We’ll also give you some tips on how to catch them. So what are you waiting for? Start fishing for those mounts in WoW today!
WoW Pond Nettle Mount
How to get the Pond Nettle Mount in WoW?
Unlock Argus and then go to Antorus Wastes, fish in the pool at Hope’s Landing until you get the Pond Nettle Mount drop.
This mount can take as many as 2500 casts and even some got it on their FIRST cast. The big question is: “Are you feelin’ lucky… Punk?”.

This legion mount increases swim speed so it, will make it fast for you to swim through the depths of the ocean.
WoW Sea Turtle Mount
How to get the Sea Turtle Mount in WoW?
Build your Warlords of Draenor Garrison level 3 and then build your fishing shack level 3.
Fish for Lunarfall Carp or Frostdeep Minnow. When you right click these fish you will spawn a Cave Dweller who when slain has a chance to drop this wonderful Sea Turtle Mount and the Riding Turtle.

I personally farmed both mounts using this method. I suggest posting a group on LFG and create a raid group to fish these Lunarfall Carp, if you have more people fishing these carp then you have more spawns of Cave Dweller and overall higher speed for getting the mounts.
Additionally this drops from random fishing pools in Pandaria, Northrend and Cataclysm. This happy go lucky Turtle likes long swims across the ocean, to sunbathe on sandy beaches and eats fishy treats. You can this mount with friends or get it solo, go get yourself the Sea Turtle Mount!
WoW Riding Turtle Mount
How to get the Riding Turtle Mount in WoW?
Build your Warlords of Draenor Garrison level 3 and then build your fishing shack level 3.
Fish for Lunarfall Carp or Frostdeep Minnow. When you right click these fish you will spawn a Cave Dweller who when slain has a chance to drop this wonderful Sea Turtle Mount and the Riding Turtle.

I personally farmed both mounts using this method. I suggest posting a group on LFG and create a raid group to fish these Lunarfall Carp, if you have more people fishing these carp then you have more spawns of Cave Dweller and overall higher speed for getting the mounts. Garrison Level 3 Fishing in Lunarfall Cavedweller or Frostdeep Cavedweller.
WoW Great Sea Ray Mount
How to get the Great Sea Ray Mount in WoW?
You can farm this mount from any open water in BFA (Battle for Azeroth expansion) in or around Kul Tiras or Zandalar. I fished mine up from fishing in BFA and got it after around 300 casts on release day.

This amazing Sea Ray is the ultimate flex on your Fishing buddies. Pull this bad boy ray out and enjoy the attention from your fishing fanatic friends!
WoW Reins of the Azure Water Strider Mount
How to get the Reins of the Azure Water Strider Mount in WoW?
You need to be Exalted with Angler’s Wharf.
Quest with them for rep or use Timewarped badges. You will need to have a total of 5250 x Timewarped Badges to get this rep easily.
Then Buy a total of 105 x Commendation of The Anglers which costs 50 x Timewarped Badge each.

The Commendation of The Anglers is Bind on Account so you can mail them to a main character to unlock the Azure Water Strider mount. Exalted with Anglers of Pandaria. Do daily quests to gain rep or farm Timewalking Badges for the Vendor Rep Shuffle.
WoW Reins of the Crimson Water Strider Mount
How to get the Reins of the Crimson Water Strider Mount in WoW?
Get Garrison level 3, build a fishing shack level 3, complete quests to unlock Nat Pagle as a follower. Use Architect table to put Nat Pagle as a follower in your fishing shack. Head over to your fishing Shack.
Fish 100 Lunkers from Draenorian schools, turning them in for Lucky Coins, and then exchanging A HUNDRED of those for a Crimson Strider!

When I personally got this mount I found I caught many more lunkers from Tanaan Jungle, I used Frenzy Bait, Fishing hat, Gloves with Fishing enchant, Fishing Rod and even Fishing Rum which is cheap on the auction house. You will need 100 Lunkers for best friend rep & 100 Coins (exchanged for lunkers) to purchase this mount).
WoW Darkwater Skate Mount
How to get the Darkwater Skate Mount in WoW?
Darkmoon faire: This fair spawns on the first weekend of every month.
Fish or buy 500 Darkmoon Daggermaw and trade for the mount from Galissa Sundew on the docs of Darkmoonfaire.

When I got this mount I personally bought the 500 fish and went to Darkmoon Faire Docks then traded the fish for the mount. This is one of the easiest fishing mounts to get!
WoW Brinedeep Bottom-Feeder Mount
How to get the Brinedeep Bottom-Feeder Mount in WoW?
Go to Legion Dalaran. Glide or Fly over to Margoss. Fish Drowned Mana from the pool next to him.
Fish up 100 Drowned Mana and then trade these with Conjurer Margoss.

Relatively easy mount to get it’s just a grind and is easier done when as a group of fishers!
WoW Deepstar Aurelid Mount
How to get the WoW Deepstar Aurelid Mount in WoW?
Deepstar aurelid: it drops from hirukon at a 100% rate. Fishers fish up an item called strange goop from a pond in zereth mortis, then they’ll go to Lady Vasj in Maldraxxus with it and she will instruct them to craft a bait to summon Hirukon.

The person who originally summons him gets the mount 100%, others who tag him have a 1% chance to loot it too.