In the exciting realm of Dragonflight Season 3, many Gaming Heroes find themselves pondering a common question: “How to get to Atal’Dazar?” Fear not, fellow adventurers, for I am here to guide you through the journey! Join me as I unveil the secrets and pathways to reach the mysterious Atal’Dazar, ensuring that you embark on your quest with confidence and precision. Let the gaming adventures begin!
Valdrakken Dungeon Portals
Every Season Blizzard has added some handy portals in Valdrakken to get to dungeons of old that have been added to the rotation! Look Here to see if any of the portals will get you closer.

No Portal? No Problem!
Head back to your Capital’s Portal Room and take the portal to either Boralus (Alliance) or Zuldazar (Horde)
If you are Alliance, head to your ship and ask to be transported to Zandalar.
If you are Horde, just fly out of town to the spot listed below!

The Entrance Awaits:

Don’t fly over this gate otherwise you’re heading to King’s Rest (That’s the wrong dungeon!)
Now all thats left is to summon your Lazy Bones party members and conquer Atal’Dazar!
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