Have you ever started up a new character and asked yourself “What are Best Leveling Enchants in WoW?” I know that’s a frustrating question to have.
After you read this article you will have a great idea of some of Best Leveling Enchants In WoW 1-60 to use while leveling a character in World of Warcraft for a fast and fun experience!
Every enchant in this list can be bought in the Auction House, with the exception of Death Knight Runes! There are some many enchants you can buy so I have only listed the Best Leveling Enchants In WoW!
For levels 1-60, there are a ton of enchants to make the journey to get your character leveled up and to Dragonflight even easier.

WoW Weapon Enchants – Best Leveling Enchants In WoW
When it comes to selecting the Best Leveling Enchants In WoW There are so many options for weapon enchants to choose from!
Let’s try and take some of the stress out of picking and choosing by breaking down best options that will cover ANY new character you want to level in World of Warcraft!
Quick tip: Enchanting Heirloom gear can mean your equipment will scale with your character level so you wont have to keep replacing your gear as you level up. Heirloom gear is expensive gear you can purchase which is bind on account meaning you can mail to other characters. Heirloom gear scales with your character’s level meaning that if you’re level 1 your heirloom gear is that level too, if you’re level 55 then so too is your heirloom gear. We have a guide on where to buy heirloom gear.
Best Tank Leveling Enchants In WoW
If you are planning to level your tank character through dungeons in World of Warcraft then we highly suggest the following weapon Enchants.
Enchant Weapon – Naga Hide for general stat boosts, Enchant Weapon – Crusader for Strength stat or Enchant Weapon – Elemental Force for general damage.
Best DPS Leveling Enchants In WoW
If you are planning to level your DPS character through dungeons in World of Warcraft then we highly suggest the following weapon Enchants.
Enchant Weapon – Elemental Force generally the best all round, Enchant Weapon – Crusader for Strength stat users, Enchant Weapon – Lightless Force for melee AOE.
Best Healer Leveling Enchants In WoW
If you are planning to level your Healer character through dungeons in World of Warcraft then we highly suggest the following weapon Enchants.
Enchant Weapon – Oceanic Restoration for general stats and Enchant Weapon – Elemental Force for general damage.
Weapon Leveling Enchants for WoW
Enchant Weapon – Crusader: This is the GO TO enchant for any Melee Character or Strength user. Giving you a nice boost in health on hit and a strength procc it is going to make every strike land true and keep you in the fight longer!
Enchant Weapon – Elemental Force: If you are a class that focuses on Damage, but does not use Strength, then Elemental Force is going to be your choice. It gives you a chance to deal extra damage on every melee attack or ability (Spell Cast) that is sure to make sure that every enemy will die.
Enchant Weapon – Mark of Warsong / Quick Navigation: These enchants are a great choice for any Healer or Tank that may want more secondary stats instead of dealing damage.
Enchant Weapon – Mongoose is good for agility users: Rogues, Feral Druids etc.
Enchant Weapon – Sinful Revelation: Causes enemies to get a debuff making them receive 6% more damage from you for 10 seconds.
Enchant Weapon – Lightless Force: Sends out a wave of Shadow Damage as a cone in front of your character. Strikes up to 5 enemies at once, great for area of effect damaging.
Enchant Weapon – Celestial Guidance: Sometimes increases your primary stat by 5%.
Enchant Weapon – Gale-Force Striking: Sometimes increases your attack speed by 15% for 15 seconds. Great for melee damage dealers like rogues, feral druids and monks.
Enchant Weapon – Oceanic Restoration: Sometimes increases your intellect by 43 for 15 seconds and restores 66 mana.
Enchant Weapon – Naga Hide: Tank enchant primarily as whenever you dodge, block or parry an ability you have a chance to increase strength or agility by 43 for 15 seconds. You also absorb 1,573 damage.
Enchant Weapon – Mark of the Shattered Hand: Great for applying bleed damage to your enemies, make enemies bleed 67 upfront damage and then a further 202 damage over 6 seconds.
Enchant Weapon – Windwalk: Increases your dodge by 42 and movement speed by 10% for 110 seconds when stiking enemies in melee, stacking with passive movement speed effects.
Enchant Weapon – Mending: Sometimes heal you when damaging enemies with spells or melee attacks.
While there are many options to choose from for Best Leveling Enchants In WoW, be sure to choose an enchant which compliments your character best. If you’re a rogue, attack speed while leveling will greatly benefit you. If you’re a warrior, high damage and strength will benefit you and if you’re a spell caster then elemental force will be wonderful addition to your spell casting.
Deathknight Runes – Best Leveling Enchants In WoW
Scopes and Weapon Runes: Hunters and Death Knights are unique in that they use weapon enhancements that are different from all other classes!
Death Knight Enchants: Death Knights should prioritize using their Death Gate to return to Acherus to use the Runeforging and apply Rune of the Fallen Crusader to their weapons.
Hunter Scopes – Best Leveling Enchants In WoW
Hunter Enchants: Hunter’s should look in the Auction House for Lord Blastington’s Scope of Doom.
Once you get to level 60 and enter the Dragonflight, do keep in mind that enchants are not as impactful as they were 1-60. They offer only minor upgrades due to the huge scaling of enemy health and damage.
Hunter Scope 60-70 – Best Leveling Enchants In WoW
For leveling from 60-70 as a hunter you will want to use a Projectile Propulsion Pinion which increases your secondary stats sometimes during combat.
WoW Armor Best Leveling Enchants In WoW 1-60
Neck Enchants
There is only 1 clear cut enchant for the neck that is AMAZING for every single character. Enchant Neck – Mark of the Hidden Satyr.
This is going to make every single fight you have lean in your favor as occasionally, a powerful blast will strike your enemy!
Ring Enchants
There is a ring enchant that will cater to every single secondary stats:
1. Enchant Ring – Tenet of haste: Increase haste by 16.
2. Enchant Ring – Tenet of critical strike: Increase critical strike by 16.
3. Enchant Ring – Tenet of mastery: Increase mastery by 16.
4. Enchant Ring – Tenet of versatility: Increase versatility by 16.
Chest Enchants
For your chest, there is infact a 1 size fits all solution!
Enchant Chest – Eternal Stats: This will give you a flat bonus to ALL of your characters stats.
No fancy proccs, no chance involved, just pure bonus at all times.
You CANNOT go wrong with a flat stat bonus!
Boot – Feet Enchants
On your Boots, you are going to want to move fast! This enchant is for you!
Enchant Boots – Minor Speed: This enchant will give your character a flat 10% movement speed, allowing you to get from quest to quest as fast as you can! Slap this enchant on your boots and get adventuring in your most fashionable Sonic Cosplay!
Legs and Shoulders
These enchants are only available for characters in the 32-50 bracket. But don’t let that discourage you, these can still give you a massive bonus!
Quick Tip: Send your heirlooms to an alt character 32-50 use the shoulder & legs enchants on the heirloom gear and then send it back to your low level character to make full use of these enchants (Basically a loophole to defeat the almighty rules of World of Warcraft muaha!).
For Casters- Powerful Ghostly Spellthread on your pants, and the Greater Crane Wing Inscription on your shoulders!
For Strength Users – Angerhide Leg Armor is what you should use on your legs, and the Greater Tiger Fang Inscription on your shoulders!
For Agility Users – Make sure to apply Shadowleather Leg Armor on your legs, and apply the Greater Tiger Claw Inscription to your shoulders!
Dragonflight Enchants for Leveling 60-70 – Best Leveling Enchants
Weapon – 60-70 Best Leveling Enchants in WoW
Enchant Weapon – Sophic Writ: Sometimes gives you bonus primary stat, best enchant for weapon 60-70.
Enchant Weapon – Wafting Writ: Sometimes gives you a huge haste buff in combat.
Enchant Weapon – Frozen Writ: Sometimes gives you a huge versatility buff in combat.
Enchant Weapon – Earthen Writ: Sometimes gives you a huge mastery buff in combat.
Enchant Weapon – Burning Writ: Sometimes gives you a huge critical strike buff in combat.
Cloak – 60-70 Best Leveling Enchants in WoW
Enchant Cloak – Homebound Speed: is a great option to use while leveling.
While a small bonus, any speed boost is a good speed boost. Not to mention the cheeky 5 minute reduction on your hearthstone cooldown!
Chest – 60-70 Best Leveling Enchants in WoW
Chest – Enchant Chest – Waking Stats is a good option providing your character with a permanent primary stat of 150.
Bracers – 60-70 Best Leveling Enchants in WoW
Enchant Bracers – Devotion of Speed: Provides a speed bonus to your character.
Rings – 60-70 Best Leveling Enchants in WoW
Choose your ring enchant based on your secondary stat you want to focus on.
Enchant Ring – Devotion of Mastery: Provides a permanent buff to mastery.
Enchant Ring – Devotion of Critical Strike: Provides a permanent buff to critical strike.
Enchant Ring – Devotion of Versatility: Provides a permanent buff to versatility.
Enchant Ring – Devotion of Haste: Provides a permanent buff to haste.
Conclusion – Best Leveling Enchants in WoW
In conclusion, choosing the best leveling enchants in WoW can greatly enhance your gameplay experience.
Prioritize enchants that align with your character’s role and playstyle, focusing on primary and secondary stats that boost your effectiveness.
Consider weapon enchants and other gear slots to maximize your power. Stay informed about class-specific recommendations and allocate resources wisely.
With the right enchants, you can expedite your leveling journey and achieve greatness in Azeroth.
FAQ – Best Leveling Enchants in WoW
Question: Why can’t I enchant my Leg armour or cloak in WoW?
Answer: Due to the odd scaling in WoW some enchants require that you enchant that equipment on a level 30-40 character then send it in the mail to the desired alt character where it will now work.
Question: What’s the best enchant for melee in WoW: Crusader Enchant or Elemental Force?
Answer: If your main stat is Strength then Crusader Enchant is the best for you. If your main stat is anything else then Elemental Force is best for you.
Question: WoW Should I enchant my gear?
Answer: Yes if you can afford to because it makes you stronger and able to level easier.
More World of Warcraft Guides about Gold Making and leveling
Check out Erosiumtv.com a website about Gold Making and World of Warcraft, Erosium who made this site also writes on Battle-shout.com so you can find a similar style of writing on Erosiumtv.com.